- MP says:February 11, 2020 at 12:28 am Maria’s writing is a guiding light in the dark for people who are struggling with or who have struggled and suffered the abuse doled out by a narcissistic parent or cult leader.
Maria illustrates how growing up in such an environment molded her to mute herself, doubt herself and caused her perpetual inner turmoil.
And though victims of narcists may have been caged in the convoluted realities of their abusers for years or in her case, a lifetime, Maria writes empowering words of hope, in which one can recognize the actual reality of their situation, come to terms with it and decide to define reality for themselves;
“Deciding what reality you are willing to live within is vital. Just as crucial, is the turmoil you give yourself permission to live without.”Reply - SDT says:February 5, 2020 at 1:56 pm Very excited to receive my February edition specifically for Mrs. Peregolise’s piece. Her website and the upcoming book explores a childhood of narcissism and neglect. Maria has the emotional intelligence to help others realize their own trauma and discover that the “sky is not green and the grass is not blue”.Reply
- LR says:February 2, 2020 at 11:12 am I’m so proud of Maria and her willingness to share about her childhood. Much of who we are and who we become is shaped during our childhood. We can all learn from each other’s experiences. Thank you, Maria, for sharing your story.Reply
- DP says:February 1, 2020 at 7:17 pm Can’t wait! If there’s anything I have learned from Maria’s writing, it’s that the concepts of faith and family can be just as damaging and terrifying as they can be uplifting and inspiring- and furthermore, that the amount of trust you put into someone is directly proportionate to the amount of control they have over you. Maria’s writing is emotional and informative, and demonstrates that the damage done to a child in a cult setting can go unnoticed and almost inconsequential until years later, when the threads of faith begin to unravel- and the former culted child’s self-image and worldview along with it.Reply