DSM-5 [1] Signs and Symptoms:

  • NPD is defined as comprising a pervasive pattern of:
  1.  grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), 
  2.  a constant need for admiration, and 
  3.  a lack of empathy, 
  4.  beginning by early adulthood and 
  5.  present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by the presence of at least 5 of the following 9 criteria:
  6.  A grandiose sense of self-importance
  7.  A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  8.  A belief that he or she is special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions
  9.  A need for excessive admiration
  10.  A sense of entitlement
  11.  Interpersonally exploitive behavior
  12.  A lack of empathy
  13.  Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of him or her
  14.  A demonstration of arrogant and haughty behaviors or attitudes

* Alternative models and Diagnosis and Management information are cited in DSM-5, NPD.”
[1] American Psychiatric Association, Personality Disorders, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.; 2013

  • “Common Symptoms of a Narcissistic Personality [2]:

    1.  They concentrate on grandiose fantasies (e.g. their own success, beauty, brilliance)     and may be convinced that they deserve special treatment.
    2.  Manipulative and exploitative of others to achieve personal gain
    3.  Lacks empathy and is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs         of others.
    4.  Intensely envious of others and the belief that others are equally envious of them
    5.  Expecting unquestioning compliance with their expectations and demands
    6.  Behaving in an arrogant manner
    7.  Exaggerating achievements
    8.  Difficulty tolerating criticism or defeat”

[2] The Warning Signs That Your Parents Have Narcissistic Personality Disorder (And What To Do About It), By Camille Storm, 2017,

  • Mayo Clinic, Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and the severity of symptoms vary. [3]

A. People with the disorder can:

  1.  Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  2.  Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration
  3.  Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  4.  Exaggerate achievements and talents
  5.  Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  6.  Believe they are superior and can only associate with equally special people
  7.  Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior
  8.  Expect special favors and unquestioning compliance with their expectations
  9.  Take advantage of others to get what they want
  10.  Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  11.  Be envious of others and believe others envy them
  12.  Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious
  13.  Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office

B. At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they perceive as criticism, and they can:

  1.  Become impatient or angry when they don’t receive special treatment
  2.  Have significant interpersonal problems and easily feel slighted
  3.  React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior
  4.  Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior
  5.  Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change
  6.  Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection
  7.  Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation”

[3] Mayo Clinic, Narcissistic personality disorder,